Functional Medicine Compounding Solutions
WP Pharma Labs prepares a broad spectrum of custom wellness medications prescribed by physicians to aid in patient treatment in the following areas.
Weight Management
There are numerous factors that can affect weight loss, including hormonal issues. WP Pharma Labs offers a wide range of weight management solutions.
Aesthetic Dermatology
Improve the elasticity, the moisture, and the firmness of skin with the brand new line of quality Aesthetic Dermatology solutions, which are available now.
Sexual Health
Custom compounded solutions to improve sexual function. Used in conjunction with erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, low libido, and other conditions.
Sterile Pellets
Sterile pellets are used to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalances. They are about the size of a grain of rice, containing compressed bioidentical hormones.
Thyroid & Adrenal
The thyroid produces hormones that affect metabolism which in turn impact energy, appetite, body temperature, heart rate, growth, and more.